When Dr. Jane Goodall endorsed my environmental children’s book
One of the most encouraging parts of my publishing journey so far has been the incredible endorsements that have come in for the first three books in my environmental children’s series What the World Needs Now. In this article, I give a little behind-the-scenes of how I was able to secure these valuable reviews.
My process starts with the attitude that it’s free to ask (so go ahead and think big!). The second part is working that six-degrees-of-separation principle (i.e. everyone knows someone who knows someone…). These days, networking platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram have brought that six degrees down to about 1-2 in many cases. And never underestimate the power of connecting and building relationships with gatekeepers — executive assistants rule the world.
Once you’re in direct contact with your expert or their gatekeeper, the rest is all about gentle persistence and follow up. And these conversations should always highlight the win-win of your ask— in exchange for the endorsement, how can your book(s) be of service to your expert’s affiliations and initiatives?
Some of the book endorsements below came through within days or weeks; others took months. And it should be said that some never came through at all. Like everything else about making books, it takes time and energy to secure strong endorsements. But when they finally come in, they are yours forever.
Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE
Founder – the Jane Goodall Institute
UN Messenger of Peace
When I got the email with Dr. Goodall’s book endorsement in September 2020, I remember writing, “The best thing that could possibly happen with my first book just happened.” And that about sums it up. There is no bigger name or hero in the world of nature conservation.
Since an orangutan was the main character of my first book, “What the World Needs Now: Trees!”, I thought if there was ever a book I could pitch to Dr. Goodall, it was this one. Through the uncle of a good friend, I was able to get Trees! into the hands of Dr. Goodall’s manager. A couple of months of gentle follow-ups with her, and one day, like magic, there was Dr. Goodall’s endorsement in my inbox—a week before my print deadline, no less.
“This is a delightful book with captivating illustrations. It presents the vital role played by trees to a young audience in a way which will captivate, educate and inspire many to join the global effort to protect forests. And plant trees.”
My most successful Facebook and Instagram ads to date (i.e. the ones that have resulted in the most book sales) are the ones that feature Dr. Goodall and her endorsement. Like I said… the best thing that could have possibly happened to my first book.
Photo credit: Stuart Clark
Dr. Renee Lertzman
Climate Psychologist & Author
TED Talk: How to turn climate anxiety into action
When I discovered Dr. Lertzman’s TED Talk on climate anxiety in April 2020, I knew her research would be so important to weave into my series. I didn’t know anyone who knew her, so I messaged her directly on LinkedIn and Facebook and started a conversation; initially about how I could support and promote her work within the international organizations I work with.
Fast forward to August 2020, I asked Dr. Lertzman if she would be willing to review Trees!, and about six weeks (and a few gentle reminders) later, her gracious review came in.
“The story incorporates a subtle yet powerful form of emotional intelligence… this book is a welcome contribution to the growing literature for children about our exquisite world.”
Harriet Shugarman
Founder, Climatemama.com
Author of “How To Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change, Turning Angst into Action”
The minute I discovered @climatemama on Instagram in September 2020, I knew I needed to connect with her. And when I learned that ClimateMama is Canadian-born, now NYC-based climate activist Harriet Shugarman, who has worked with Al Gore through his Climate Reality Project, I immediately sent her a DM! Turns out she was doing the exact same thing with me, and our messages landed within minutes of each other. Within days, we were chatting over Zoom, to learn more about each other’s work. Not only did Harriet endorse Trees!, but she also included the book in her Top 10 Climate Change Books of 2020.
“A wonderfully crafted and illustrated story that parents, caregivers and teachers can share with our youngest children… to help them understand what we have, what is at stake, and how each of us can help.”
Doug Allan
Award-winning BBC, Discovery and National Geographic cameraman
Marine Conservation Society Ambassador
Author of “Freeze Frame: A Wildlife Cameraman's Adventures on Ice”
Doug Allan’s endorsement took months, and several degrees of separation to get. It started with a Zoom call with the communications director of the World Land Trust (WLT), whom I connected with through my amazing eco-printer in the UK. About a month later, the WLT comms director introduced me (via email) to a communications person at the Marine Conservation Society, who had access to some of their celebrity ambassadors, including Doug Allan. It was a good two more months of gentle follow ups with her before she found the right moment to pitch the book to Doug. About a month more of follow up… and the greenlight came in for the third book in my series “What the World Needs Now: Less Plastic!”.
“This is a great little book. It lets kids understand why the oceans need our help, and what they can do to protect our seas from plastic pollution.”
Natalie Fée
Founder of City to Sea
Award-winning environmentalist
Author of “How to Save the World for Free”
Natalie wins the award for the quickest turnaround on an endorsement. Again, through my amazing eco-printer in the UK, I discovered her City to Sea monthly e-newsletter and her touching TED Talk on the problem with plastic. I emailed her directly to introduce her to my series and upcoming third book. Within 24 hours, she had written back personally with her lovely review of Less Plastic!.
"A lively and informative read that will inspire younger generations to become guardians of this blue planet – and help rid the oceans of plastic pollution!”
Gill Perkins
CEO, UK’s Bumblebee Conservation Trust
I love how this endorsement came about. My UK book distributor introduced me to Gill Perkins (again via email— is there any other way during a pandemic!) in January 2021, as I was finalizing Book 2 in the series, “What the World Needs Now: Bees!”. I shared the ebook version with Gill, and she wrote back with some constructive criticism about the accuracy of a couple of the illustrations in the book. I was really happy to get this feedback – it made my book better -- and I was especially happy to receive it before I went to print.
I paid my illustrator to make the changes Gill suggested and sent her back a revised ebook about a month later. She was surprised that I had been so open to her feedback, and sent along the loveliest review.
“What a wonderful engaging way to introduce children to the buzzing world of bees… all of us have the opportunity to help improve life for these precious insects by simply planting bee-friendly flowers and learning to love the sound of the buzz.”
As encouraging as these reviews were to receive, I suspect the real payoff is still to come. As my series is discovered by more families across the world, it will be such a point of pride to present them on the shoulders of these passionate experts, thought leaders and role models. I admire them all, and share their desire to make this world a better place.