If you’re looking for more information about me, my kids books or consultancy work, you’ll find it here. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, drop me a line on my contact page.
After 10+ years of communicating on climate change to governments and the private sector, I felt it was time to add a new audience to my repertoire. And being a Mom to two curious young boys over the past six years has given me daily practice in explaining my work and why it’s important.
But if I had to pinpoint the exact moment, it was probably when my oldest was about 3 or 4 years old. At the grocery store, I was explaining to him why I wouldn’t buy him a cheap, plastic toy (“…because it will break, end up in the garbage, and maybe end up in the ocean where a whale might think it’s food, and eat it. And that could make the whale sick.”). What amazed me is how easily he followed the logic. He just got it. And I realized then that we shouldn’t be waiting to talk to young kids about our environmental challenges.
The trick was finding the right starting point for ages 4-8. That is what my series is designed to do; to give parents the right entry point to these conversations, on which future learning can build.
+ Where are your kids’ books available?
All three books in the “What the World Needs Now" series are available on YorkBookShop.com. It also possible to order wholesale, via the contact form on cherylrosebush.com.
+ In what languages are your books available?
For the moment, the books are available in English only. If needed, they can produced in any language. Just reach out, via the contact page to learn more!
+ How are you making your books eco-friendly?
The easiest way to print and distribute my books would be to send them to Amazon and let them do the rest. But I’m not doing that. For one, Amazon doesn’t offer enough eco-friendly paper and ink options in their printing services. And most of their printing is done in China, and then shipped around the world, which isn’t great for the carbon footprint of each book.
So, I have partnered with Dynamic Print in the UK. Not only do they work with the highest quality recycled and natural fiber papers, they have found a way of reducing the amount of ink and plastics used in the print process. They have also built partnerships with the Woodland Trust and World Land Trust to pay offsets for the carbon emissions generated by their printing and shipping processes. Adhering to these high eco-standards for printing and shipping means my books won’t be the cheapest ones you could buy. But they will be books you can feel good about buying.
+ What is your long-term goal with the series
Once the series is established, my aim is to develop curriculum based on the books that early childhood educators can use to bring the books’ messages to as many kids as possible around the world.
Most of my clients are international organizations that work on climate change, forestry and sustainable development. With each passing year, it is encouraging to see how these themes are being mainstreamed into the overarching development strategies of governments and the private sector.
For this reason, my background allows me to work with almost any organization, public or private, that is committed to working more sustainably, and needing help to communicate that work to their target audiences.
+ What kind of work do you produce for your clients?
A wide range of things! I develop practical, actionable communications plans and strategies. I write editorial content (e.g. articles, blogs, reports, website text, video scripts). I also do substantive content editing as well as copy editing, and I help guide design projects on behalf of my clients.
I also do field missions for my clients, during which I meet and interview stakeholders, program managers, and local officials, as well as coordinate with photographers and videographers to capture the maximum amount of content. I also attend meetings, give presentations if needed, and conduct interviews with participants that can be used in a range of communications products.
+ Are you available for speaking engagements?
Yes! I’m very happy to participate in events where I can share what I know in my field. With my new foray into writing environmental children’s books, I look forward to speaking more on the topic of how we can be communicating to kids about our most pressing environmental challenges.
+ How did you start working on climate change issues?
In 2009, after about seven years of working as a journalist in Canada, I was looking for ways I could work abroad that would keep me advancing in my career. I noticed that I had most of the requirements to apply for communications positions with the UN. So, I started applying, and I like to think that fate took care of the rest.
Within about six months, I had a one-way ticket to Geneva, Switzerland to start working as the Communications Officer for a UN-REDD Programme Secretariat. It was at UN-REDD that I received my baptism-by-fire education on the climate crisis, and all the ways forests are critical to achieving our climate targets. More than 13 years later, I’m still in Europe, and still working on these issues, learning and adapting in an ever-changing landscape. And I remain as committed as ever to help chart a new path for the way we live on this planet.
You can read more about My Story here>>

“What if by understanding ourselves and one another, we could find our way through this crisis in a new and different way.”
For the international organizations, governments & companies I work with, I help effectively communicate what are we up against, what we stand to lose – and then highlight innovative, triple-win solutions to achieve sustainable development.